Nora Bruce

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Dandelion Mural

For over a year now I have been dreaming about this dandelion mural I saw online. I showed it to Casey and asked him if he could try and recreate something like this for me and he said, “Oh yeah. I can do that!” Lucky me!!!

I finally bought the paint, asked Pedar to remove the dangling yucky light that never worked, and power washed the back of the garage wall. Casey first sketched the mural and then started painting on Saturday, April 19. We had a crazy rainy May so Casey wasn’t able to paint as much as he wanted. He got it done this weekend. He finished on Sunday, June 9th. Did he need Mom to motivate him from time to time to GET OUTSIDE and finish? Yes! Was their a prize at the end of this project? Yes! He was paid for this project. I will treasure this mural always. I LOVE IT!

Thank you, Casey for creating this beautiful dandelion mural for me. I am so grateful.