Nora Bruce

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First holy communion

This Sunday we celebrated Erik's First Holy Communion at St. John's Lutheran Church. We have been attending communion classes with Erik for a few weeks and Sunday we celebrated at the 9 a.m service with his class of 16 kids!

The most touching part of the ceremony was when Pedar and I knelt in front of Erik and he put his hands on our shoulders and prayed over us and thanked us.

Uff da. Talk about a tear fest. I think my heart burst with joy and love.

We are so grateful to all the family and friends that joined us at the service. Erik felt so loved and celebrated, we did too. I hope he remembers this special day and always feel like he can talk to God about anything, at anytime.

We spent the weekend finishing up huge school projects. This Friday is Open House at school and next week is Spring Break. We are working on our yards in preparation for Easter. I absolutely love this time of year when the weather is cool and the ground isn't rock solid so pulling weeds is easy.  Hope everyone is having a great week. I am wrapping you all in love.

Link to Casey's first holy communion post from three years ago.