Nora Bruce

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G is for Garden

We were planning on driving to Santa Cruz this weekend to help my Mom celebrate her birthday, but then we found out that Erik had a soccer game Sunday and we also were invited to a fundraiser for a friend. I also got a call late Friday that our other friends were able to come by on Saturday and pick up the play-set, so we needed to stick around and take it apart. It was going to be too much driving back and forth for one day, so we decided to give it our all in the yard and put in our garden. gardenarea

This is what the area looked like before we took out the tree. It has been a mess for a long time. gardenarea2

Saturday morning we took the play-set apart to prepare for our friends to pick it up and then Pedar rototilled the yard.

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I created garden beds out of pavers. We were given them from a friend awhile ago. They have been sitting in a pile becoming a place for spiders and weeds to grow.




Sunday morning we went over with wheelbarrows to our neighbors to scoop up the extra garden soil that was sitting in his yard. He had ordered too much. Lucky us! We filled several loads and dropped them in the garden beds. We were now ready to head to the nursery to pick out some veggies!

IMG_6811We picked up the usual veggies and also took home a drawf lemon, lime and mandarin kumpquat tree. We got home and planted. Oh man, it was only about 85 degrees today, but where we planted our garden it felt like 100. This is why we chose this spot, but boy-oh-boy, it was HOT! All the boys jumped in the pool.

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Later on Sunday we attended the Spaghetti Fundraiser for the Sacramento Youth Band. On the way to the event, both boys fell asleep in this car. We played hard all day and the air conditioning just felt so good!

IMG_6085We got this picture tonight from our friends. They put up the play-set super fast in their yard and their little kids love it! It made me so happy!!


This is our new garden space! We have wanted to create this space since we moved in! We have a ton of room in a few of our beds so we may add more veggies! Can't wait to watch it grow!!


Cheers to a great week everyone!