Nora Bruce

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Gratitude pumpkin

I have enjoyed reading the November gratitude posts. I know several people that have committed to making a post everyday for the month of November. I like the idea of including the kids, so the gratitude pumpkin is perfect. Get a pumpkin and a permanent marker and go around and ask everyone to share what they are grateful for. I think it would make a thoughtful Thanksgiving centerpiece.

And because I am a joiner, I thought I would brain dump a few things I am grateful for.

  • I am grateful for time. We complain that we have so little of it, but we have it, and I am grateful for it.
  • I am grateful that I can start a new healthy habit to replace a not so good one.
  • I am grateful that if I suck at something today, I can try again tomorrow.
  • I am grateful for goals, it means I have the energy and motivation to see something to completion.
  • I am grateful for my health.
  • I am grateful that my husband takes such good care of me.
  • I am grateful that my children love me enough to tell me when I am being a monster mama. I will work on reacting with more kindness, and less monster.
  • I am grateful for each new day to try again to be better, stronger, more loving and smarter.