Nora Bruce

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Hiking Fun

Over the winter break we were able to take the boys on three different hikes. We went to Cronan Ranch near Coloma, Stevens Trail in Colfax and The Dipsea Trail in Mill Valley. I loved them all, but my favorite was the Dipsea Trail.

Cronan Ranch is a 45 minute drive from Sacramento to Coloma. Parking is easy and the trails are wide. A lot of horseback riders use these trails, so there is a bit of manure to get around. It is a lovely area and we always love visiting.

Dipsea Trail in Mill Valley can lead you all the way out to Stinson Beach or you can circle back up to the Ranger station. The ferns and redwoods and creeks are gorgeous. It is a lot of climbing, but worth every step.

Stevens Trail in Colfax is also a 45 minute drive from Sacramento. The hike is more strenuous and has a short ledge along the mountain, so for those that don’t like heights, this isn’t the hike for you. We made it down to the river this time and it was really steep, but we loved it.

Just get out there and enjoy the outdoors. You won’t regret it! Hugs and love to you!