Nora Bruce

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Horsetail Falls

We wanted to go on a long bike ride or hike the weekend of Pedar's birthday. Kealii and Claire were planning on hiking Horsetail Falls that Saturday, August 27, so we were happy to join them! Pedar and I have hiked Horsetail Falls before, but never made it all the way to Avalanche Lake. It was a hot day and we should have brought more water and snacks, but we made it and ended with smiles. We scrambled down the mountain like crabs and we climbed up rocks using our entire bodies. There really isn't a trail, you just wind your way up and up and up. The kids were awesome. We were so proud of their energy and good attitudes. We enjoyed a delicious dinner afterwards at Brick's in Placerville. Pedar and I were impressed that the kids made it look so easy. We look forward to more hiking trips this year!