Nora Bruce

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Sweet little sickie

Yesterday I was just getting going at work and my little buddy Erik called me from school. His nose was hurting and his cough was bothering him. So I did what I could to get organized enough to work from home, and then I put my pedal to the metal to pick him up from school. I got him home and made him a hot lunch and tucked him into the couch. I hit the computer and was able to get a bit done. Casey made it to band this morning at 7 a.m. He has missed two practices because of the nasty cough, and so far I haven't received a call from the school for Erik, thank goodness!!

We are so thankful to Megan for coming over Monday and watching Erik until Pedar could make it home.  He loved building forts with Megan and hanging out with her. Hoping that everyone continues to heal and the snotty noses and awful coughs go away quickly. Yeah for winter, NOT! Here's to a week of winging it. It is weeks like this where it is better to try and not have any plans at all.

winging it