Nora Bruce

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Farewell 2015

Just when I thought nothing much happened in 2015, I took a moment to look through pictures and realized how wrong I was. Here are a few of things that happened last year.

  1. We took out the Monster Bush in our front yard.
  2. We fixed our pool.
  3. We attended Chris and Jen's wedding.
  4. We watched Megan graduate from High School.
  5. We celebrated Jim's stem cell transplant.
  6. I got a new job.
  7. We made a financial plan. This will finally be the year of no credit debt, an actual savings and money into college accounts for boys. Thank you, Dave Ramsey!
  8. We said goodbye to our dear friend Lou.
  9. We enjoyed making awesome new memories with family and friends.
  10.  We fell more in love with each other and our kids.

Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy 2016.