Nora Bruce

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The damn bridge

The previous owners of our house built a bridge that led to the pool. We think they maybe tried to have a Koi Pond under the bridge, but we will never know. The entire yard was so darn scary. We jack-hammered the concrete under the pond so I could plant it up. Four years ago I planted hydrangeas and today they are glorious. I spent way too much of my damn precious time painting the damn bridge. It peeled and a lot of the wood was rotting.

I recently borrowed our neighbors power-washer because I was going to try and blast the peeling paint off and then sand it and stain it. I started power washing and the damn bridge starting falling apart right in front of eyes. I was so over it. I kicked it and it gave way. I kicked it again and a huge part fell off.

Pedar came out and said, “Are we getting rid of the bridge?” I looked at him and said, “Heck yeah we are!” We had just returned from our first Spring time trip to the dump and both of us knew we were about to make another huge, rotting pile. Oh well! Here we go. We took it apart and couldn’t believe how much MORE we loved it. WHY did we wait almost six years???? Ugh!

If only I could show you the pictures in my mind of what I am going to do in my yards. I can finally see some magic beginning to happen and I am so excited. It takes way more time than I like, but the results are so worth it! Cheers to gardening!