Nora Bruce

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We made it

I was so grateful to crawl into bed last night. It is hard to go back to work after being off. I loved the slower pace and the cooler weather we enjoyed while we were away. Coming back to the heat and the gunshot start to every morning takes some adjusting. The first day of school always feel hairy, and yesterday was no exception. Pedar was able to pick up the boys after school and listen to their first day stories. I had ordered groceries via Raleys eCart so they went and picked that up. I got home a bit before 6 p.m. and we realized that Erik had soccer practice and it had started at 5:30 p.m. The Tuesday practice had been canceled but not Thursday. Oops. Pedar rushed him off to practice. He got in a solid hour.

While they were gone I made dinner and Casey practiced his trombone. OH!! I created a new chore for Casey. If he makes lunches for he and Erik for the entire week he will earn a tiny bit of money. This is my attempt of getting out of making lunches and empowering him to make meals. Hoping he will appreciate food a bit more as well. So much of what I put in their lunch returns home, so he needs to decide what goes in it. Fingers crossed this goes well!!

We made it to school. We made it to work. We made it home. We got groceries. We made it to soccer practice. We made dinner. We made lunches. We made choices to prepare us for the next day. We made it to bed.

For everyone starting out this new school year, I'm rooting for you. You can do it!!