Practice gratitude

While moving through change or hard times I have found it even more IMPORTANT to practice gratitude. It is not easy, but practicing every single day helps. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.


I am especially grateful for:

  1. Hugs and kisses from my boys
  2. The way my dogs greet me.
  3. My love, Pedar
  4. Walks with Dottie
  5. A new day to try again
  6. Sunshine
  7. Intuition

On most days, I am able to let bothersome stuff at work or home go, but depending on the "trigger" -- whether or not a similar situation has happened before, I may feel like I'm at an 8 in emotion, when I should/could be at a 2. Awareness of why I am feeling the way I am is huge. Sometimes it doesn't come to me until later to understand why I was so upset. Allowing myself a moment, helps so much. I have to try and work on taking a deep breath and control how I react to stress. I am a sensitive person and I used to think it was a weakness, but it is a strength. I feel things in my gut and react. My intuition is so powerful. I am so grateful for its guidance. When I ignore it, is when I get into trouble.

Everyone is working there way through something. Try to be kinder and more loving to yourself. Let's focus on what we are GETTING DONE. If we keep moving forward the rest will happen in time. Beating ourselves up the entire way is so exhausting.