Curtain call


The boy are performing this week in the school musical, "Night at the Wax Museum." This weekend we helped with costumes and some set work. IMG_5430[1] IMG_5463[1] IMG_5464[1]

The boys have had dress rehearsals all week and this morning they performed for the entire school. Tonight is opening night! They perform for three nights. After two nights of being at the school till after 8:30 p.m., we all were really tired this morning.

IMG_5467[1]IMG_5468[1]I haven't seen much of the show. Last night I was working on a bunch of projects in the classroom while they rehearsed and Pedar was helping the first graders. I'm looking forward to seeing the entire show on Friday!

IMG_5469[1]These two cutie pies really wanted to sleep-in this morning and cuddle longer.  Curly wrapped his paw around Erik's arm as to say, "Don't go, stay and cuddle!"

IMG_5466[1]IMG_5465[1]We may all be feeling a little anxious about these long nights ahead and getting to all of our places with shiny, happy faces. Curly always reminds me of just what we need to do, stretch and relax. Maybe bask a bit in the sun! Putting love and hugs out into the world today.