Eddy's yard

I was recently asked to help design a front yard. I went over and met with Eddy and Pedar and I measured her yard and spoke to her about her budget and vision. We talked about what she likes (color) and what she needs (easy, not a lot of maintenance/trimming). She really wants a Japanese Maple, so we are definitely planning to add that closer to the house. She has a bit of river rock we can use to create a dry creek bed near the gutter drain spout close to her front door and take it across the front of the house. Behind the dry creek bed would be the Japanese maple and in front of that would be a row of Kangaroo Paw plants.

Scattered throughout her yard would be drought tolerant and low maintenance plants: Lavender, Rosemary Hot Lips Salvia, and Lambs Ear.

Eddy’s street does not have sidewalks, so I wanted to give her a bit of structure and architectural detail by adding sections of hog wire fence across the front. I don’t want it to be a solid fence. I want people to be able to see into her yard, but I also don’t want them to walk through and step on her plants. Depending on her budget, she can always add the fence panels later.

I wanted to give her a vision of what I had in my mind, so I went to PicMonkey and started adding layers upon layers of pictures so I could share with her my vision.

The plan: Remove grass, install irrigation. Create the dry creek bed and plant the trees and plants. Finally, we will install the fence panels and spread bark.

I look forward to making this happen for her!

Pictures of the plants I have in mind to provide a better vision.