How can I help?

As a Mom, wife and full-time employee, I tend to believe that I have no time left in my day to give to others. I can make a donation here and there, and sometimes I am able to help a friend with their resume or write a webpage or two, but it doesn’t feel like I am really helping them with their burdens, you know?

However, when I think about the times I have felt sad or scared, it wasn’t big things that helped me. It was weekly texts and funny pictures that a few people sent me. A rare few would make the time to really look into my eyes and see the pain and just be with me in it.

If you know someone going through something (don’t we all know someone?) — just check in on them. Ask if you can help. If they say nothing, or don’t respond, just acknowledge that you know times are tough and you care, it helps them feel less alone. We can’t catch sadness, terminal illness, divorce, death, unemployment, depression, anger or grief, but we can normalize it by acknowledging it.

I may not be the best right now at checking in with my tribe of loved ones, but I want to be better. If all I can do is share a smile or make plans, even if it is a ways off, its something. It means the world to me when I have plans with friends and family. I am so honored when someone makes time for me. I am so grateful.