It is finally here

Oh man. I can't be the only one that felt like this week was crazy LONG. I am beat. The week just never paused long enough for me to stop and look around. I took Erik on a field trip on Wednesday and Pedar had one with Casey on Thursday. After the field trips we would make a mad dash back to work. Casey had his "Special Week" at school which meant he had to create a Powerpoint all about him, so we worked on that, in addition to the normal homework. Pedar had two after work events this week that made for late evenings for him. We both have HUGE projects looming at work that need a lot more time and focus than we imagined. Pedar has his year end report due tonight at midnight. Fingers crossed he finishes it before 6 p.m. When weeks like this happen, things fall through the cracks. Casey asked his teacher if he could bring Curly to class to share on Thursday and we forgot that she said he could on Thursday. Well, we couldn't help him bring the dog at 1 p.m. Pedar was smart enough to ask his Mom if she could, and she did! Thank you, Karen and Jim (Mor Mor and Pops) for helping make Casey's day! He loved sharing Curly!


Yesterday I dressed up as Dr. Cleo from Molina Healthcare. Yep, that's me! They needed someone to wear the costume, so I volunteered!


Although I really didn't have the time to give up two hours of my work day to dress up and hand out gifts, it was EXACTLY what my soul needed. Oh my goodness, I handed out over 75 gifts to children who were waiting to see a doctor. They wanted to hug and high-five Dr. Cleo. Parents, employees and volunteers even hugged me. It was a pretty magical experience to dress up and be loved so instantly. My heart is still smiling!


Last night, Pedar helped with a Make a Wish ceremony. His co-workers daughter Natalie has had a very difficult year with cancer treatment. Last year Natalie and her mom helped grant the wish of a 7-year-old. Fast forward just a few months and Natalie was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. Thankfully, after months of treatment Natalie is doing well and is NOW getting her wish of a Christmas trip to New York City. Here is the news segment.

We did it people! We are wrapping up a crazy week. My projects are still not done, but they are firming up and I will take what I can get. Have a nice weekend everyone. We're celebrating Casey's birthday with a couple of his friends on Saturday. Looking forward to it! Hugs and love to you.