Lucky number 7
We celebrated Erik's 7th Birthday today with his friends. It was a little bit of chaos, but a lot of fun too! Thankfully the weather was great, so the kids were able to play soccer and all kinds of outdoor friendly games. We tried to create a science party theme, so we had the kids make Gack (Borox, Elmer's glue, water, food coloring) and we played with magnets and iron filings. We had other games planned and "Just Dance" at the ready, but the kids preferred to "Free Wheel It", so we let them. Erik had a BLAST! His actual birthday may be 25 days away, but he feels seven and that is all that matters. We loved spending time with Liam and Lila and Erik's friends from school. What a terrific bunch of kids. It made us so happy to see these sweet kids play today. Kids really have it figured out, you know? We all need to play more when we celebrate! I want to stop sitting down when we celebrate! Let's MOVE more. Let's PLAY!!!