I'm calling a LOVE in for February


Hurrah for February 1st. The sun is shining in Sacramento today which I am taking as a good sign for the entire month. I am not sad to let January go. I was hoping for an easier, healthier and happier first month of 2018 and I found it to be really hard. I know I am not alone. I have heard from several family and friends that this winter has really kicked a lot of people in the teeth. I am done with the YUCK. I'm talking about sickness, stress, anxiety, pain, financial hardship, bad decisions, lack of motivation, depression and more. I AM TELLING YOU that this month is POWERED by LOVE! 

I am making time for people and activities that I love. I am going to wear clothes, eat food, listen to music and read books that I love. I am going to take road trips and visit places I love. 

I started my love in last night. I drove to Emigh's and bought six new houseplants. I bought some shelves for the bathrooms and purchased some small planters. I LOVE plants, they make me smile. When I put new plants in the the ground or in a pot, I say to them, "Welcome to your new home. I love you!"  So, I got all the plants in their new little planters and placed them on the shelves and I just love them. Just that little project made me so happy.


I hope you can do something for yourself soon that makes you happy. Join me on this LOVE in. Tell me how it is going for you. I have been reading about the practice of Ho'oponopono. It is a beautiful practice to learn about for this love month!
