Mission Carnival and Sunday Fun Day


On Saturday, after Rita's birthday party, we headed over to Mission to work at the school carnival. Pedar and I were in charge of the second grade sack race game. sackraces

We had a good time, except for the clean-up part. No other parents showed up for that shift, so we had extra shifts. Yeah! Our cousins Annika and Gavin dropped by the carnival. It was so fun to see them!


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On Sunday we cleaned house and prepared for rain!! It was fun putting away the umbrellas and outdoor cushions. We kept saying, "Quick, winter is coming! Winter is coming!!" Later on Sunday, Gavin cycled over and the boys went to fly planes for a bit.



It started to rain so Erik made a fort out of chairs and blankets, and Curly snuggled with him. img_9054

Casey practiced riding the unicycle a lot this weekend. He is getting so much better.

Hope everyone has a great week! I love the cooler weather. We are looking forward to Halloween festivities!