One day at a time


I don't really like the mantra One Day at a Time because it reminds me of attending Alateen meetings. My parents stopped drinking when I was 12-years-old and my twin sister and I went to Alateen for awhile. We finally told our Mom that we didn't like it and stopped attending.  To say some of the kids in the group were rough, is an understatement. I guess I can be grateful to Alateen for helping prepare me to ride Light Rail to Sacramento High. I will admit that taking each day as it comes, especially when things are not great, is helpful. If I look too far into the future right now, when things are stressful, I feel overwhelmed by not knowing if or when things will improve.

My Dad finally got home from the nursing home on Friday, September 22. He spent over a month in the hospital and nursing home. He wasn't feeling great, but was making tiny progress. Last Friday, Sept. 29 his home health nurse told my Mom to get him to the Emergency Room. Hours later he was rushed into surgery for an infected hernia. His nurse saved him from sepsis. Dad got home today. His spirits are pretty shot. None of us were thrilled about going to Mercy General again this weekend, but man did this guy need cheering. He feels like he can't catch a break. It is hard watching my parents struggle with their new normal. I am grateful they have excellent medical care, but damn, none of this is easy.


With everything happening in the world and in our personal lives, it really does help to remember that things change. We can make changes in our personal lives and in the world to make things better.