School pictures and artwork

We got the boys school pictures. Don't know why I didn't choose the same background for both. Maybe it is because I barely even read the darn form. So many forms. I love parent homework.Casey looks like a dude in his picture, not an almost 11-year-old. He is five feet tall and over 90 pounds. He has pectoral and abdomen muscles, always has, since birth, but still, it is a little weird to watch your son start looking like a young man. The boys have been busy creating artwork. Erik's artwork reminds me of Casey's at six. They both surpassed my drawing skill level long ago. Had to share with you these adorable pictures of Erik and Curly. These two love one another so much. They snuggle every night.

And because November slides into December so quickly, I just have to share this video with you all as a reminder to what children really want for Christmas; attention, time, experiences with those that they love and to feel special. Don't we all want that?