Thank you, Elvis

“When things go wrong, don’t go with them,” ~ Elvis.


It takes tremendous focus and energy to remain hopeful on bad days.

Our time here on this earth is limited. What do we want to do with it? Share hope? Encourage and support our friends and family on their dreams? Help people feel loved and included? YES!

What happens when our hearts are broken? What happens when we feel like our world is in the shitter? We can ask for help. We can say out loud, “I am struggling and could use a little extra love. and care.” And then we can ask those that are struggling, “What can I do to help?”

We have to commit to coming back to hope. Time and time again. We have to love, forgive, hope and be empathetic and compassionate. We have to try to live up to our potential. We all have so many gifts to give.

This week in California is hard. The air is terrible. The loss of lives and property is devastating. I am intentionally looking for the beautiful stories that are rising from the ashes. The stories of heroism and generosity. I am waiting to hear the plan so we can prevent this from happening again. I am hopeful and heartbroken, but you can choose to be both.