Thank You, Veterans
Today we take a moment to thank all those who served. We thank the men and women who left their families behind to try and make a difference and champion a noble cause. Thank you. I am in awe of your bravery and selflessness. I am especially proud of my Dad. He is a Vietnam Veteran. He still serves by visiting Mather Veterans Hospital every week. He prays with the veterans and tries to make them laugh. He doesn't speak much about the time he served, but I know it was terrible. I love you, Dad. Thank you.
This is a picture of my Dad returning home to USA after his tour in Vietnam. He stayed with the Air National Guard after Vietnam and retired as Chief. He wanted to stay in for the Gulf war because he said, "I need to be there for the younger men." Thankfully my Mom convinced him it was time to stay home. It was a difficult day when he said "good bye" to the 234th Combat Communication Unit with the CA Air National Guard.
Dad at Albrook Air Force Base in Panama Canal zone. His very first assignment.