Weekend fun

Goodness I loved Friday. I got home late from work and was so grateful to Pedar for making dinner and getting the class Hamster, Hamlet home. We enjoyed dinner and played Speak Out. It was a great night.

On Saturday we drove to Auburn and hiked to Lake Clementine. Wow, the water is so blue. It was 80 degrees on Saturday!! We got back to the car and found that my battery was dead. Thankfully, a young man stopped to help jump the battery and it started right up. On our way back to Sacramento, we remembered that my air conditioning went out in my car last Fall. We need to get that fixed really soon. We stopped at Bass Pro Shop in Rocklin on our way back. What a huge store. The mannequins that are aiming a gun at you are not so friendly, but the rest of the store was OK. Casey found a great pair of hiking shoes. Later that evening we had dinner at Melanie's. Damn that beautiful lady is a great cook.

On Sunday we all lost an hour and I want it back. We went to the 11:30 am. service at St. John's and afterwards Erik and I went to his First Communion class and Pedar and Casey went skateboarding. Later that day we tried to get some yard work done, and boy, our yards are a green mess. We need to throw some money at hardscape and decomposed granite this year. It takes too long to mow weeds.

All I want to do today is cuddle with Curly. Cheers to cuddling!