Strange can be beautiful

We have a little niche next to our kitchen that used to house the doorbell. I ripped out the doorbell and covered the hole with a painting. Recently I decided I wanted to place a little lady planter that I love in this recess in the wall. I am growing the “Royal Albert” succulent as her hair and she is so darn cute. Pedar named the planter after his Great Aunt Myrtle, so sometimes we say things like, “Watch over the house Myrtle!” and “Hey Myrtle, love your lipstick!”

Pedar added a windowsill and trim and I painted it. I then used Velcro command strips to keep Myrtle from being accidentally knocked over. She looks great and we love making this strange little place in our house beautiful. It is only when I compare pictures from today to when we got the keys in 2013, am I able to see the incredible changes we have made to our home.

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