Keep on moving

Thank you to Soul 2 Soul for your song, “Keep on Moving, Don’t Stop!”

Last week I wanted to STOP and just hide in a closet and ask someone to bring me milkshakes and salty snacks, but with some prayers to my angels, I got dressed and out in the world and did what needed to be done. There really wasn’t one reason why I wanted to avoid my responsibilities, sometimes I just do. Sometimes I don’t want to go to work, clean the house or feed anyone. Sometimes I want to pretend to hit pause and just stare at the wall. I just want to stop doing and BE.

Today is the first day of a new week and I am not feeling much different, but I am trying harder to be positive and hopeful.

I need to focus on what is working. I need to keep moving towards my goals and to-do list and celebrate progress.

Because I need to stop and be grateful, here is my gratitude list!

  1. I am grateful for the beautiful dinner Pedar made last night. We ate outside and enjoyed the gorgeous weather.

  2. I am grateful for healthy children.

  3. I am grateful for our jobs.

  4. I am grateful the boys still want me to hug them goodnight in their beds before they go to sleep.

  5. I am grateful for Curly and Dottie. I just adore their fuzzy faces.

  6. I am grateful Pedar enjoys working with me on gardening projects.

  7. I am grateful for gorgeous Fall weather. September in Sacramento is fantastic!

  8. I am grateful we all got to school and work today with smiles on our faces.

  9. I am grateful Annika was able to watch the boys on Friday. Everyone had a great time!

  10. I am grateful that Casey is seeing his hard work pay off in his Math class.

I am hoping your week goes well and that you find a bit of extra energy and fun to celebrate this beautiful life.