Facebook Marketplace is the SH%T!


It all started with wanting to get rid of the office armoire. You all know how it happens. You move a piece of furniture inside and tell yourself, “We will only have this here for a little bit!” Yeah right. Life happens and other projects and BOOM, next thing you know it has been THREE or 20 years and you still have the furniture that you never liked inside your house.

I bought the office armoire off craigslist before we moved. Our little “office” space was in the kitchen at our last house and our current house didn’t have that space, so I found a TV armoire and made it our computer desk. I painted it a turquoise blue and I didn’t do the best paint job. We had it across from the kitchen for two years and then when we hosted a Christmas party, we moved it into our bedroom.

Something finally snapped in me and I decided I would rather have the computer on a folding table to force us to build/order/conjure up a new desk situation. So I posted the beast on Facebook Marketplace for FREE and it was gone within two hours! Pedar and I heaved that damn thing out onto the driveway and said bye bye.

We are using a folding table in our room right now but I am loving these desk ideas!!


And then I finally did it. I got rid of the couch my parents gave us over 6 years ago. There are many reasons why I didn’t toss it sooner, but the main one is because I just didn’t know where to start or what to get. I want to redo our mantle and put in a gas insert and lower the mantle so we can put the TV over the fireplace, giving us just one primary focus in the room. When we do that, we won’t need our TV cabinet. I am tired of waiting for the mantle project and putting off our living room because of all the other dumb fixer-upper projects. We LIVE in the living room. I need it to feel beautiful!!!

I found a gently used couch for $200 on Facebook Marketplace and drove Pedar’s truck to Elk Grove and loaded it myself. (Pedar was out of town for a work trip.) I roped it down, and drove it back to our house. I then asked a neighbor to help me lift it inside. As soon as I agreed to buy the new-to-us couch, I put our old one up for FREE. Fantastic neighbor and I heaved that thing onto the driveway too and a new owner picked it up. It was kind of an amazing Facebook Marketplace day. I did a happy dance. My arms and back got a great workout too!

My fear of not getting the right thing or waiting until projects are done, have STOPPED me from moving forward. I am going to be making a ton of changes friends!

CHEERS TO CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!