December feels like a punch in the gut


When December rolls in, I start to feel a bit itchy and panicky. I kind of want to hide in my closet until January. I never feel organized enough. I want to feel excited about celebrating with family and friends. I want to take time off of work. I want to make sure my boys have good birthday memories. I want to get my shopping done and not get further into debt. With each passing year, I want to do less during the Holiday's, and have HUGE time spaces just open. I don't want to go to a ton of parties or events. I just want to sit in front of a Christmas Tree and be cozy. I don't want to run around like a freak, shopping and doing. I run everyday to work and home and work and home and work and home. Stick a fork in me already. I want to make my boys feel special on their Birthday's. Almost eleven years ago we brought Casey home from the hospital on Christmas Eve. Four years later, we brought Erik home from the hospital on New Years Eve. Each December since has felt a bit like a race that I didn't train enough for.

This December I am going to try to keep it as simple as possible. I may not make every event, but thankfully, there are eleven more months in the year to hug it out. If I miss your event, it doesn't mean I don't love you. It means I'm taking care of my sanity. I owe it to the people I live with.

I'm going to try Erik's flopping technique when I start feeling overwhelmed this December. I think it could really help me with my Holiday stress.