Erik's winter project. Igloo fun!


Erik's winter project was due today. My Mom, a.k.a Nana, was generous enough to work with him on his igloo project the week before we left to Oregon. It was SO NICE knowing that it was done and we didn't have to finish that and unpack, clean-up. Erik practiced his presentation in front of us a couple of times.  Hope he doesn't get too nervous!! DSC_0003 2 DSC_0005

Thankfully, we finished the poster on Sunday afternoon. He had to write several sentences on the poster that explained what he learned about Igloo's.

Did you know that Igloo means house in Eskimo? Or that an igloo can be built in 40 minutes and it is typically used as a temporary house while hunting? Did you know that the ice must be just right to cut into blocks?  NOW YOU DO!!!