Clean up, but make time for play!


Last week the dreaded No School November fun started. The boys didn't go to school on Thursday and Friday. This week Erik is out of school everyday by 11:15 a.m., but Casey is not. Next week they have no school. 

The weather is getting colder and we've enjoyed some rain. We are spending more time indoors which has me looking at all the projects I'd love to actually complete. Something about November makes me want to get CRAZY organized, probably because December makes me feel crazy. Last month we tackled the garage. This month I have been working on all of the closets. I have been sorting, tossing and organizing. 


We recently took the boys to get a few things because their arms and legs grew and their shirts and pants looked funny. Character building? Yes, but their ankles would get cold. So, when we got home I told the boys to look through their closets for clothes that don't fit, make a pile and then hang up their shirts that have buttons. I was that specific.  I am lying in bed with Erik and I look up and see his two new shirts tossed on top of his hangers. 

Mama Nora: "Erik, are those your two new shirts tossed on top of your hangers?"

Erik: "Yep. I couldn't get the button undone to put them on hangers."

Mama Nora: "Really? There are 8-year-olds that speak multiple languages, play concert cello and bring home money to their families, but you lack the patience to put your shirt on a hanger?"

Erik: "Maybe."

Pray for me friends. Pray that I find the patience to help him.


Pedar and I tackled a deep cleaning project this weekend. We cleaned our stained dining room chairs, car upholstery and two new chairs we bought on Facebook Marketplace. We rented a Bissell cleaner from Emigh's and wow, everything looks so much better. It is so nice to know we can rent something that really does a great job.


We moved the orange chairs into our bedroom and created a little reading nook and put the new chairs in the living room. Next we want to try and work on some molding, maybe painting, and redecorate Casey's room for his 13th. We are giving the inside of our house a hug! 

We enjoyed the gorgeous weather on Sunday by taking a nice hike along the river. The boys are learning to stack rocks and they are getting pretty good at it.


We made time for play!!!


The way the light was shining through these leaves was absolutely beautiful!


These beautiful boys make me so damn happy!