Practice is better than perfect


We all have stuff that doesn't come easily for us. I labeled myself "Bad at Math" early on. I also didn't consider myself the most athletic, but turn on some music and I forget anyone is even watching, I have to dance. I decided against a career in Nursing because I thought the Math and Science would be too much of a struggle. I decided on Journalism because the assignments were easy for me. What have you convinced yourself you are not good at? Do you think you limit your potential by telling yourself you're not good at something? Have you noticed that people like to talk about their problems and struggles as a way of "bonding"? I think we are unintentionally making ourselves smaller. Why not talk about our unique gifts and push each other to reach our dreams and potential?

I am watching my sons grow and start to define themselves. I want them to push past their fears that they won't be as good as others and just practice.  For some things, like Math, you just have to do it, so you might as well practice. It is OK to struggle. We can't be the best at everything. So what if they get C's? I never had a boss ask about my grades. Real life is about working towards a common goal and using your skills to get the work done. 


Perfection is unreachable. But if you practice enough, won't you eventually get it? I think you will. I'm not saying you will be the BEST, but you'll be fine and that is enough! 

What if we focused more on persistence and practice?  What if we celebrated our kids when they helped a friend, rather when they made straight A's?  

I love Mushy's story.

Mushy's entire story is here.