Love easily and effortlessly


I recorded Erik reading Remmy and the Brain Train to me earlier this week. I wanted to capture his sweet voice and where he is at with reading. Dawn and Pedar bought Casey this book years ago and we love it! Thank you!!

On Wednesday night Abby and Casey serenaded the neighborhood with some band tunes. They both are playing so well. I am so proud of them.

Pedar and I visited a dear friend yesterday whose health is not good. It was a heavy get together, but his sense of humor is still so sharp. He can't talk anymore and communicates by texting. He was still making us laugh and feel loved. He is so alive, he just unfortunately has a "Jalopy of  a body" is what he says. See how funny he is!! I left him feeling so grateful for every moment we've shared. Chevo reminds me of Lou and it breaks my heart knowing that these two men won't be sharing their amazing energy with the world anymore.

Lou and Chevo taught me that even when things are not going your way, the world needs joy, more than sad stories. They both loved SO easily and effortlessly, with nothing wanted in return. If we all could love one another a bit more easily and without expectations, our relationships would be so much better.