Spiders and scorpions, oh my!

We did a little bit of everything this past weekend! We went on a gorgeous hike around Loch Leven Lakes. Pedar found a scorpion, the boys loved checking him out. The water was ice cold and very refreshing.

We worked on the yard a bit this weekend. Pedar has been digging a ditch so he can bring some water to our thirsty plants and garden. He is almost done!

I'm coming for ALL the yard yuck this year. No more weeds in cracks. No more barren, dead areas and paths that just stop. I'm going to finish the path to the pool and cover some ground with bark. I'm tired of looking at you yuck yard. It is time for you to go! I will find a way to make you look better!! OH YES I WILL!! We found several HUGE black widow spiders by the pool fence. Say hello to our friend Charlotte!

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We have some crack issues we need to deal with.IMG_6822[1]

Isn't this a pretty area of our yard?!!

We went over to Nana and Papa's and had lunch with everyone and enjoyed swimming with all the kids. Later that day we celebrated our friend Ryan's birthday and had a great night out. I enjoyed a French 75 for the first time and I LOVED it.

Tomorrow is the last day of school! June 2 is also Leif and Sierra's 15th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary!!! Cheers to many more happy years! Hope everyone is staying cool and getting acclimated to Summer! The heat is on!!!