Take care of you

I recently was having a conversation with dear friends about how we don’t share our hard stuff with one another. You know what I mean, just look at your social media timeline. What story do the pictures tell/sell? Most likely one of a happy, go-lucky person who has their stuff together, yeah? It made me think about why I don’t share my hard stuff. I think it is mainly because I don’t want to be judged. I know when I am not in a good place I compare myself to others and can be really hard on myself. Life is beautiful and we should celebrate it often, but we also need to face the hard stuff and embrace it as an opportunity to grow and be more empathetic and compassionate to ourselves and others.

I don’t have to share my hard stuff with everyone. Not everyone wants to be that sounding board. It takes a special person to really listen and empathize, so choose your person wisely to share your struggles and goals so you can get the support you need. Make an appointment with a counselor. You don’t have to have it all figured out. The bravest thing you can do is say, “I need help. I don’t know how to navigate this.” Just do something. And then do the next thing. Put time and resources towards the stuff that is hard and hurts and keep working on it until you have an answer or your heart feels lighter.

I want so much joy, love and good health for you. That is my prayer for everyone today.