Change is FUN

I have been at my new job for six months. It has been a roller coaster of emotions as I learn what is needed of me in my new role as a Communications Specialist for Blue Shield. I really love my team, my manager and the work. I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Pedar is on day four of his new role at Umpqua Bank. He left Wells Fargo after 15 years. I am so proud of him for taking on this new challenge. He is excited about working with new people and making an impact on his team and in the communities he serves.


Change can be hard because our brains are wired to do the same things over and over and our brains become more rigid as we get older. I have made several job changes and when I look back I can see how much I learned and grew from each experience.

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Change forces you out of your comfort zone. A new job means new people, new commute, new projects, and new names. I have SOOO many names in my brain! Change also allows for new experiences and that is when I have learned so much about who I am. I would like to think that embracing change and new experiences help me be more flexible and adaptable. Change is also fun. I love meeting new people. I love learning.

I am proud that we are showing our boys that changing jobs and trying something new is always an option. We are not trees, we can move. I am grateful for Pedar who has always cheered me on and supported me. I loved being his cheerleader these past few months as he made his move.


We get this one precious life to experience as much as we can and love our lives. We are in the driver’s seat, we’ve got to work at what we want to happen. I can honestly say I have never felt so hopeful as I do right now. I just want to hit pause and be thankful for a healthy family and marriage. I am ready for adventure. Bring it!