Posts in Soul Food
This is exactly how I feel

After I spend time outside, is when I feel closest to God. I don't need a place to go to talk to God. We chat all the time. My lowest moments don't happen on Sunday's. They happen in the shower, when I am finally alone or in my car. And my connection to God is wide open in those moments. I have trouble connecting to all the rituals, rules and traditions. I connect to prayer, awareness of others and a wild curiosity about faith. I believe MOST in kindness- which is what I think it means to be spiritual. To be loving and compassionate is a practice.

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I want to EAT up all the tiny moments that make each day so beautiful. I want to pause and stop myself from complaining when I have SO MUCH joy to celebrate. I want to remember Casey's amazing hair in the morning and Erik's sleepy eyes. I want to enjoy the frantic kisses that Dottie gives me when she is let out of her enclosure. I want to appreciate how slow Curly walks giving me time to greet my neighbors. I don't want to take for granted the coffee that is placed by my bedside every morning from sweet Pedar. I want to look around and be grateful for every project we've finished in our fixer-upper. I don't want to dread going to work, I will choose to be excited about the opportunities and challenges it provides to help me grow in my skills and communication.

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Be sweet to yourself!

There is a theory that if you crave sweets, you may have lacked a bit of sweetness in your childhood. Maybe you didn't hear enough words of encouragement or were properly cared for with love and affection when things were tough. The theory goes that the way some self-soothe and fill that void is with sweets or alcohol, etc. The way to end the cycle of needing sugar is to be more sweet to yourself, with self-talk and self-care.

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Toy Drive

This morning all of the toys from the Fox40 Toy Drive for Shriners were delivered. Every year our fantastic Development team gather as many employees as possible to sing carols as the toys are brought in and the TV crews are here. I had a great time teaching everyone the choreography for the 12 days of Christmas. We were asked to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, but I found this dress at Target and couldn't help myself.

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She sees me

This precious dog sees me. I feel like she sees into my heart. I am so happy we brought her home. She has given all of us so much joy and love. 

When I look at her I feel like she wants to tell me all the things I really need to hear. So, I allow myself the fantasy to hear them. This is what Dottie says to me when I look into her eyes, "I love you lady. You are a good Mom. Casey is going to be fine, you are doing all the right things for him. I know you miss friends, and you feel so distant from everyone because life is so busy. It is OK. Don't look too far ahead, and don't look back just to drive yourself crazy, just stay present. Go read Erik a book. Go watch Casey skateboard. Go goose Pedar. Come snuggle with me and Curly and watch Elf. Things are going to be OK."

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Practice is better than perfect

We all have stuff that doesn't come easily for us. I labeled myself "Bad at Math" early on. I also didn't consider myself the most athletic, but turn on some music and I forget anyone is even watching, I have to dance. I decided against a career in Nursing because I thought the Math and Science would be too much of a struggle. I decided on Journalism because the assignments were easy for me. What have you convinced yourself you are not good at?

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After 9 p.m., Mommie Dearest visits

I have this alarm inside my body that goes off at 9 p.m. It is the "I don't want to be responsible for anyone, anymore!" alarm. I have had years of walking up and down the hallway getting boys something so they will finally go the hell to bed. They are big now and I as long as they are in their beds by 9 p.m., nobody gets hurt.

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