Practice is better than perfect

We all have stuff that doesn't come easily for us. I labeled myself "Bad at Math" early on. I also didn't consider myself the most athletic, but turn on some music and I forget anyone is even watching, I have to dance. I decided against a career in Nursing because I thought the Math and Science would be too much of a struggle. I decided on Journalism because the assignments were easy for me. What have you convinced yourself you are not good at?

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After 9 p.m., Mommie Dearest visits

I have this alarm inside my body that goes off at 9 p.m. It is the "I don't want to be responsible for anyone, anymore!" alarm. I have had years of walking up and down the hallway getting boys something so they will finally go the hell to bed. They are big now and I as long as they are in their beds by 9 p.m., nobody gets hurt.

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Dottie is four-months-old!

We brought home our little furball on August 12. The first few weeks were rough. She was still learning to do her business on the puppy pads and she antagonized Curly by biting his tail and jumping at his face. Our home had a chorus of growling and, "Oh damn! She peed and pooped again!"  Every time we let her out in the backyard we thought she might get out or killed by a hawk. We no longer worry about her getting out. She loves her boys and just wants to be with us. 

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New tricks

Hi everyone! I have been in a slump lately. Haven't had a lot of pep to my step. I ran into a friend in the stairwell at work and she said, "I really think you should try Kaia Fit. It might really help you release some stress."

I knew she was right. It still took me two weeks to get the courage to sign up and then show up. Twice now I've gone to the 5 a.m. class. I love it. (Carina: I know! I should have gone years ago! Thank you for not giving up on me!) Getting up around 4ish a.m. is not easy, but I'm hoping to get used to it. 

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